Muhammad Mohsin
Muhammad Mohsin is a freshman currently studying first year engineering at Purdue University. This 18 year old from Pakistan is thrilled to be a boilermaker and experience all that Purdue offers. The main reason Muhammad decided to attend Purdue is the great name the Univesity has on an international level.
Home Country:
Native Language:
Other Languages spoken:
Living Arrangements:
Harrison Dorms
Is this your first time in America?
Yes, but this is not the first time out of Pakistan
What made you choose to come to school in America?
The engineering school has such a good reputation.
What was your home life like compared to what you've seen to life in America?
In general, it was very similar to that of an American lifestyle, I went to school and did homework.
What was the hardest part of leaving home?
I was homesick for a while but now I am fine. I missed my family, not the food, just my family.
What has been the biggest shock to you in this transition to college in America?
I blended in really well, the fact I was so accepted surprised me.
How do you think the experience of going to college is affected by attending university in a new country?
A person becomes more independent in a positive way.
Give us your definition of empathy.
Being kind to other people.
What is your view of empathy at Purdue.
Purdue students are very nice and empathetic.
What programs have helped you transition into college?
BGR was very helpful to my transition.
When you were making your decision to come to America, where did you see yourself after graduation?
I want to work here for a while but eventually start moving back to Pakistan.
How often will you get to go back home?
Every six months.
Has meeting people with a similar culture and background helped with the transition? Has been it helped with being away from home?
Yes, it definitely helped it. Speaking my native language with them is easy and sometimes relaxing.
Is it easier to make friends with people of you own culture than it is to make friends with Americans?
It doesn't make a difference to me.
Do you think you will stay in America after gradation?
What was your view of America before you came? Americans?
I thought there would be more racism.
How did your view change since getting here?
My views have changed. I was wrong.
Muhammad came here for the acedemics, yet he found much more. He found that students here at Purdue were open and accepting of him. He also found that his first views of America were wrong. Things like this are good to hear. This is the whole goal of this project, to improve empathy here on campus. To know that we are already headed in the right direction drives our project further.