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Akshit Mishra



Akshit Mishra is a freshman at Purdue University studying engineering. He is orginally from India and coming to school in America was his first time out of the country. This has been an exciting few months for Akshit, with the start of college and the move to a new country with a whole new culture. We sat down with Akshit and here is what he had to say. 


  • Home Country:


  • Native Language:


  • Other Languages spoken:

    English, Bhojpuri

  • Major:


  • Living Arrangements:

    Harrison Dorms

  • Is this your first time in America?

    Yes, this is my first time out of my country as well.

  • What made you choose to come to school in America?

    The research that Purdue has and the good international exposure I will receive here.

  • What was your home life like compared to what you've seen to life in America?

    My home life was more focused on academics than extracurricular activities. Also we were very involved with family. It was hard though because of the strong focuse on academics than extracurricular activities. I wanted to play basketball but didn't have the opportunity.

  • What has been the biggest shock to you in this transition to college in America?

    Students are more mature here than the students in India.

  • How do you think the experience of going to college is affected by attending university in a new country?

    Obviously it is affected. Research is much bigger here and they fund their research. Also I am able to learn many different cultures.

  • Give us your definition of empathy.

    Putting yourself in the same situation as someone else.

  • What is your view of empathy at Purdue.

    Everyone is so helpful, TA's and other students are always willing to help and show empathy towards me and other international students.

  • What programs have helped you transition into college?

    BGR and BGRI helped very much to experience this new culture for the first time.

  • What would you like to share about your background?

    Our culture likes to focus on our ancestors annd elders. I wish that this was shared with American students as well. American students like to start a new family after college, which is very good. However, in my culture, we like to both start a new family but also help our elders who provided for us our entire lives.

  • When you were making your decision to come to America, where did you see yourself after graduation?

    I would like to work in America for a few years then go to graduate school here.​

  • How often will you get to go back home?

    I get to go home twice this year during winter and summer break. After that I get to go back maybe once a year.

  • Has meeting people with a similar culture and background helped with the transition? Has been it helped with being away from home?

    Actually meeting people outside my culture helped my transition more.

  • Is it easier to make friends with people of you own culture than it is to make friends with Americans?

    I find it easier to make friends outside of culture, it requires effort initially but it pays off in the end.

  • Do you think you will stay in America after gradation?


  • What was your view of America before you came? Americans?

    I knew people here were outgoing and accepting of people of many cultures

  • How did your view change since getting here?

    No, my initial perceptions were correct.


For Akshit, the transition to America hasn't been too bad. He has founnd his friends and he is adjusting well. He finds everyone here at Purdue helpful in this transition which is a great thing. That is the goal of this project and to know that Purdue is already moving in the right direction is a positive thing. 

International Empathy


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What do we see for the future of this Project?

We are actively working on this project. We hope that we can continue to interview students and post more about them. We hope to help students relate to one another and also to educate students from America about students from around the globe.




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