MaxWell Murray
Maxwell Murray is a junior here at Purdue University. He is currently studying industrial engineering. He is your typical student. The only difference is that Max is from Canada. We often don't think of Canada being very different from us. However, Max has another thing to say about that. He sees the differences everyday, ever slight that may be. We asked Max some questions about his thoughts of being international.
Home Country:
I am from Manitoba, Canada
Native Language:
Other Languages Known:
Living Arrangements:
I live in a fraternity house on campus.
Is this your first time in America?
No. I've been to America for vacation a couple times. We go to New York and Indiana a lot to visit family.
What made you choose to come to Purdue?
Eduacation. I came here because Purdue has a good engineering program. I also wanted to get away from home.
What was the hardest part of leaving home?
Leaving my family behind was hard. All of my friends were back in Canada too.
What has been the biggest shock to you in this transition to college in America?
The diversity. You have so many people with different ethnicities and cultures here. Where I grew up specifically, there was not much diversity. Another thing that was hard to deal with when getting here was dealing with the health care system over here.
How do you think the experience of going to college is affected by going to university in another country?
I had to adapt to the American way of life. I had to adapt to the people and lifestyle and the diversity.
Give us your definition of empathy.
To understand someone and be able to put yourself in their shoes.
What is your view of empathy at Purdue
It is very hard for me personally to be empathetic to other people. Where I grew up, there wasn't much diversity and here it's hard to understand someone else's lifestyle when I have only expereienced one kind. It's hard to understand what someone else went through.
What programs helped you transition into college?
BGR really helped. I was able to interact with people of different cultures and backgrounds.
What would you like to share about your background?
Ice hockey is not the national sport, it is lacrosse. Not everyone in Canada likes maple syrup. We can tell someone is a tourist or not by if they say "aye" when they talk.
What do you wish Americans understood about your perception of things?
Not everything has to result in violence, money is not the center of the world, and manners exist.
When you were making your decision to come to America, here did you see yourself after graduation?
Back in Canada working in Toronto at an engineering firm.
How often will you get to go back home?
I will get to go back during breaks.
Has meeting people with a similar culture and background helped with the transition? Has it helped with being away from home?
No. There are not many Canada's here that I have met.
Is it easier to make friends with people of your own culture than it is to make friends with Americans?
I think it's easier to make friends with people of your own culture. It is easier to talk to them. They know my lingo, they are polite, and it's an easy ice breaker.
Do you thin you will stay in America after graduation?
If I get a job, maybe. If not, I want to go back home.
What was your view of America before you came? Amercians?
I thought America was a greedy, violent, capitalistic place. I thought Americans were greedy, ignorant, and selfish.
How has you views of America and Americans changed?
I have seen tht not all Americans are violent and greedy and some are really easy to talk to. I can relate their life to Canadian life.