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Ghiwa Lamah

Home Country: I am from Lebanon.

Native Language: My native language is Arabic.

Other languages or dialects known
The other language I know is French, but I also know the dialect, Lebanese.

I am a first year Engineering major.

Living Arrangements
I live within the residence halls in Wiley.

Is this your first time in America?
No, I'm a permanent resident and I have to enter the US at least once every 6 months.

How long have you been in America?
I've been in America since August 16th, the move in date for BGR. I moved here for college.

What made you choose to come to Purdue?
First, I wanted to leave home for a while, to live on my own and to gain experience. Second, Purdue has one of the best engineering programs.

What was your home life like?
I was as independent as a teenager living with her parents could be. I had a good relationship with my family, and spent time with my friends a lot. Weekends were basically going to each other's houses to hang out, or watching movies, going to dinners, pubbing, and clubbing occasionally.

What was the hardest part of leaving home?
The hardest part of leaving home was leaving behind my friends, my boyfriend, and my family. I miss them a lot, but we keep in touch as much as possible.

What has been the biggest shock to you in this transition to college in America?
The biggest shock I suppose was finding out the transition wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. The fact that I am in dorms and have a meal plan makes it easy to adjust.

How do you think the experience of going to college is affected by attending university in a new country?
My experience is greatly affected. Back at home most people go to college but live at from home because the country is so small. We don't have the "Greek life" concept. University is a smaller part of one's life. It's where you meet people but you spend a limited amount of time at school ony to attend classes. 

Give us your definition of empathy?
To me, empathy is understanding another's feelings.

What is you view of empathy?
My view of empathy is trying to sympathize with others. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and trying to understand where they are coming from.

What programs helped you with the transition to college and America?
BGR was a great help, yet I missed a lot of it because my parents were still with me, so I spent a lot of time with them. The programs created by our dorm's floor in Wiley also helped.

What would you like to share about your background?
I am a Christian and I have high appreciation to family values. Also, drinking is not a big deal to me because it is legal for me to drink in my country. I don't fuss about it so much because it has always been available to me.

What do you wish Americans understood about your perception of things?
Americans sometimes make judgments when they find out where I am from. I wish they understood that I am more similar to them than they know.

When you were making your decision to come to America, where did you see yourself after graduation?
I honestly had no idea. I wanted to do something big; I wanted to be successful. I wasn't really considering returning to work in Beirut when I made my decision to come here. I am now.

How often will you get to go home?
I will get to go home during winter breaks and summer breaks, when I don't have internships and such. I am also going home this coming Spring Break.

Has meeting people with a similar culture and background helped with the transaction? Has it helped with being away from home?
Not really, since I have only met two people so far, but I don't really keep in contact with them. I guess it is nice to have people who speak the language I use back at home and understand the stories I tell about home.

Is it easier to make friends with people of your own culture than it is to make friends with Americans?
I guess we have more to talk about instantly, but I've found that I've come to be more comfortable around my American friends here. Not as much as I was with my friends back at home, but I have known the latter all my life.

Do you think you will stay in America after graduation?
I am not completely sure yet, but I am probably going back home. 

What were you views of America and Americans before you came here? How has it changed?
I had a pretty good picture of what Americans are like in my mind before I came because I've been here a lot. It hasn't really changed since I've been here for college.

Ghiwa Lamah is a first year Engineering Student here at Purdue. She is from a republic in the Middle East and has chosen to come to college at Purdue University. Though this is not her first time in the country, this is her first prolonged stay. We sat down with her to hear of her experiences since arriving at Purdue.

International Empathy


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What do we see for the future of this Project?

We are actively working on this project. We hope that we can continue to interview students and post more about them. We hope to help students relate to one another and also to educate students from America about students from around the globe.




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