We sat down as a team to develop interview questions we were going to ask international students particapating in this project. We went back and forth on questions to ask. We finally came up with what we thought was a good list of questions. To keep the interviews consistent, in order to easily compare the interviews, the interviews followed the same questions. The following are the questions we asked the students:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Home Country
4. Native Language
5. Other languages known
6. Major
7. Living Arrangements
8. Is this your first time in America?
9. How long have you been in America?
10. What made you choose to come to Purdue?
11. What was your home life like?
12. What was the hardest part of leaving home?
13. What has been the biggest shock to you in this transition to college in America?
14. How do you think the experience of going to college is affected by attending university in a new country?
15. Give us your definition of empathy?
16. What is you view of empathy?
17. What programs helped you with the transition to college and America?
18. What would you like to share about your background?
19. What do you wish Americans understood about your perception of things?
20. When you were making your decision to come to America, where did you see yourself after graduation?
21. How often will you get to go home?
22. Has meeting people with a similar culture and background helped with the transaction? Has it helped with being away from home?
23. Is it easier to make friends with people of your own culture than it is to make friends with Americans?
24. Do you think you will stay in America after graduation?
25. What were you views of America and Americans before you came here? How has it changed?
From these questions, we hope to get a better understanding of the international students, and how they feel about being at Purdue. We hope that by reading the responses, students will better understand those who are from other countries.